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(GridLab) Computing

The Next Third Decade

3rd International Workshop on the Future of Computing

16-19 March 2023 in Zakopane, Poland

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3rd International Workshop on the Future of Computing

The 20th anniversary of the EU funded project 'Grid Lab’ (which was an early and ambitious attempt on providing a consolidated and science oriented cyberinfrastructure software stack to a specific science community) is a great opportunity to invite international leaders and early stage researchers in advanced computing and e-Science from Europe, America and Asia, and, together with representatives of the EU and US funding agencies, to discuss the fundamental aspects of Cyber/e-infrastructures evolution, and to contemplate the options for a more coherent, more coordinated approach to their global evolution.



interdisciplinary, international workshop

This third in the series, an interdisciplinary, international workshop, will draw academic and industry leaders from a variety of fields, including computer science, physical sciences,  astronomy, applied mathematics, and social sciences, to discuss the state of the art of computing, its applications and, more importantly, it’s future over the next decade in Europe, USA and Asia. The detailed results of the workshop will be published in the form of a report that will be made available to the public.

looking into the future with a bold vision

Our Strong Points

Computing, in its broadest sense, and its scientific, engineering, mathematical, technological, data-related, and social aspects, plays a central role in modern life—revolutionizing research, scholarship, and discovery across all domains of every university, driving innovation in every industry, and profoundly affecting every facet of our society. Various organizations worldwide, including academia and industry, are looking into the future with a bold vision to become more impactful, digital, entrepreneurial, interdisciplinary, and inclusive. A transformative and visionary plan for computing and data curriculum, research, and infrastructure should be essential to this vision. Therefore, the computing activities an organization undertakes must be transformative across the organization’s structure. At universities, it should serve as a pillar for education to prepare students broadly, all majors, all levels, for their future, for research and scholarship, and economic development, as well as for addressing the new social challenges requiring critical analysis. In academia and the industry, it has to serve as a pillar for research that requires advanced computational tools, visualization, and software.

Various organizations have developed a pretty impactful roadmap for computing, while others have not yet fully developed nor implemented such a strategic plan for computing. It will require not only the best thinking from our faculty, staff, and administration across the university, but it will also require new ideas, recruits to contribute to the vision, advisory input, new partnerships with academia, national labs, companies, international and community partners, and new funding mechanisms to support it.


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Global computing and computing infrastructure vision

To get to this point, we need to discuss the process by which a national, continental, or global computing and computing infrastructure vision might be established, and this workshop is meant as an intellectual activity to understand the state of current cyberinfrastructure elements, predict near future, and come up with ideas on how they can be integrated. During the workshop we will deiscuss broadly such topics:


  1. Grand Societal Challenges to be addressed by Computing (infrastructures, research, workforce development, etc. Examples may include such topics as COVID-19 and pandemics of infectious diseases, and/or environment, climate change and mitigation, Digitization of Society, and Decentralization, Privacy and Trust. Grand Societal Challenge-based frameworks that can enhance Computing’s participation in solving societal problems.
  2. Global windows on the Universe – the past, today and the future in USA and EU.
  3. Exascale, End of Moore Era and Quantum revolution (Computing, Communication, Cybersecurity).
  4. How do we move towards integrating networks, clusters, supercomputers, grids, and clouds?
  5. Who are the key stakeholders who need to be involved, and how do we communicate successes and raise awareness among decision makers, and the public?
  6. How do we move towards truly and FAIR sharing data globally?
  7. How do we go about educating a compute and data-savvy workforce of the future?
  8. How do we determine which users have access to which resources?
  9. And underlying all of these decisions, what metrics do we seek to maximize in these processes, and how will we measure them?
  10. Other relevant topics, such as, but not limited to: New Generation Internet from edge to cloud, new era of services/platforms for remote scientific collaboration, Blockchain, Internet & Planes, Energy efficient/limited computing and communication: nature inspired and decentralised systems (exotic computing), Cyber-Resilience.

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